My husband and I knew when we bought our property, it needed a lot of work, especially to make it horse safe. Now that I can walk outside without the threat of freezing my ears off, I'm considering which projects I need to focus on this spring. My main focus will be working on the pasture. So, let's have a look.
The back part of the pasture |
Right now I have a single strand of hot tape on step in posts. The pony can and has jumped this line. Most of the time he doesn't care because he's all "OMG GRASS!!!" There is also barbed wire on the property line along with some wire fencing. The wire can stay, but I need to get the barbed wire out. Then the trees. There are a few cherry trees we had to cut down last fall that are in the pasture area.
The front area. |
Many years ago, someone leased the pasture area and had horses here. They put up woven wire fence and a strand of barbed wire on top. Since then, that line of trees grew around all the fencing. Last spring I manged to get all that out but pieces still remain in the trees. I just ordered some electric rope and insulators and will probably start there. There's a pile of fence boards that need to go up. Also, some IBC totes that I want to use as rain barrels and some other experiments.
Pony in the mist. |
Along with warmer weather comes rain and mud. Max's paddock is a muddy swamp. Last night he was slipping and spooking himself. He was huffing and puffing when he came to get his grain, but seemed okay.
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